


2022 and 2023


Throughout the year 2022, I have been engaged in cybersecurity work as a party B. My main job responsibility is to carry out various network security and penetration testing projects.
During this year, I have conducted dozens of network security operations, and it can be said that I have been on the front line almost every day. Only during the periods without projects, I can take the opportunity to learn and work on other projects. Among them, many have achieved good results, and I feel that my team members are very supportive.
However, after thinking it over, I have decided to resign.

Whether it is network security or other tasks, the most difficult and troublesome part is the execution.


2023 is the year after I changed jobs, and I am still engaged in cybersecurity work as a party B. However, the nature of my work has changed. Now I mainly focus on security management and also include activities such as penetration testing.
The workload is not as intense, and I am not as tired. I have more time to explore my own interests and engage in self-learning.
The reason for leaving my previous job was that it was too exhausting. I couldn't keep up with the workload and had to handle both projects and research. I felt like I needed 18 hours a day to complete everything. During that time, I often suffered from mouth ulcers due to anxiety.
Another reason was that I was not satisfied with my salary.
After joining the new company, I felt more comfortable and had more time to plan for myself, which led me to contemplate my career development.

Currently, cybersecurity work as a party B is mainly focused on products, with security services as a secondary aspect. As a novice like me, I belong to the category of being hired to do the work.
Considering the current complex cybersecurity environment in China, how many security companies are profitable this year?
Security has always been a pseudo proposition.

Those who can only perform repetitive work without the ability to create will eventually become insignificant.
I believe that security research should be the future career development path for me.

Let's encourage each other.
Artist: JW

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